Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just for Fun

Here are some comments, questions, and interesting situations from the last couple weeks, along with our fantastic parental responses.

Driving on 96 by the Kent County Jail, and Riley yells out “Wow! Look at all those stolen cars!” We explain that those are not stolen cars, it is the employee parking lot. I tell him not everyone in jail has stolen a car, to which he replies “What else do they do to get in jail?” I reply “You know, we've watched Cops” not wanting to have to go into detail. “Oh yeah”, he says, “Coke, beer, a pot, and then there’s the drugs.” To which I reply “Oh, look at that cloud- it looks like a train!” Subject change: success.

I download a new Christmas album, which prompts Riley to ask everyone we meet for two days “Do you have Christmas X?” (just say it out loud, quickly) And I, rather embarrassed, have to repeatedly explain that the name of the album is X Christmas, not Christmas X.

My earring goes in the garbage disposal and is stuck. No one confesses. Since I just took the disposal apart last week to fish out a stuck quarter, I know that the inside of the mechanism is filled with #$%& and I say goodbye to my earring. If you’ve ever fixed a disposal you know what I mean.

There are no Phillips head screwdrivers left in our house. No one knows where they are. When I say “Maybe the screwdriver stealing troll took them all”, Riley nods his head up and down and says very seriously “Yeah, I bet that’s it.” I'm also looking for the scotch tape.

Riley wants to Google Pink’s husband to find out where he went. Really. In the song “So What” by Pink, she sings “I guess I just lost my husband, I don’t know where he went” and Riley thought we could Google it and figure out what happened. His first issue of People Magazine is in the mail. (kidding!)

Recently, after viewing the video “Thriller”, Riley was shocked to discover that Michael Jackson is black. We laughed pretty hard over that one.