"There is no way that was an accident!" I had already repeated myself too many times. The pencil hole in the top of the vinyl toilet lid was deep, and centered perfectly. At first no one would fess up, but after some pressure it was revealed: Brennan did it (actually, the youngest is always eager to rat out his brothers).
"It was an accident! I went to the bathroom, closed the lid, and when I leaned over to flush, a pencil fell out of my pocket and stabbed the lid! I swear!"
I have heard a lot of excuses, but "it fell out of my pocket and made a hole"? Give me a break!
Tears soon ensued, followed by statements like the classic 'why don't you ever trust me', 'I was in a hurry to do my homework', and other 12-year-old attempts at deferring blame.
"I just don't believe the pencil 'fell' and made a hole!" I repeated.
Without hesitation, I told Brennan (rather sarcastically) that we should try to reenact the scenario. I went and got a freshly sharpened pencil, held it a foot over the lid, and dropped it.
Now there are two holes in the lid, a son telling me "I told you so", two other kids laughing hysterically, and I'm still not sure it was an accident.